Chalk Gardens
Living in the Gardens

Delivering local benefits

An economic boost to Sutton
- £13.8 million spent in local businesses each year from new residents
- £200,000 a year from business rates
- Up to 80 jobs in the completed development
- Improved connections to the town centre

Places to live for everyone in the heart of Sutton
- 970 new homes in Sutton’s town centre, including:
- 335 affordable homes for local people
- 185 homes at London Affordable Rent and 150 shared ownership homes
- 44 large affordable family homes

Investing in your local services
- Over £10 million contribution to the Council to invest in local services including health, education, and transport
- £2 million New Homes Bonus to spend on local priorities
- £2 million per year in council tax payments
- Improvements to the site’s surrounding road network

A more sustainable Sutton
- At least 50% carbon reduction above building regulations
- 300 new trees and extensive landscaping and planting
- No gas or fossil fuel heating systems
- Biodiversity net gain of 171%, exceeding the 10% policy requirement
- Green gardens and roof gardens for all residents
- 1,732 cycle parking spaces

Greener spaces and places for you
- A place to relax in the heart of Sutton
- Two-thirds of the site as green open spaces, including a new public green over an acre in size for Sutton town centre
- New green routes connecting into town centre and beyond
- Commercial uses to compliment the town centre and support the community
- Places to meet, work, shop, dine
- Places for events and entertainment
- Public play space for children of all ages